Taekwondo, Karate, Self Defense classes, Jiu Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts, Anti-Bullying Classes, Physical Fitness and Conditioning

Call Now to Get Started: 517 220 0621



About The Storm Taekwondo Martial Arts System:



Storm Taekwondo is the fastest growing martial arts school in the Farmington Hills, Commerce/Walled Lake/Wixom/Novi area.

Storm Taekwondo Training Center teaches a combination of Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Kung-Fu, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and Grappling. It is a complete, well-rounded system that utilizes a combination of techniques, including striking and grappling, to formulate the ultimate self defense system.



Tae Kwon Do - This is the main style of our school. Tae Kwon Do is the Olympic Sport, provides the world's best kicking techniques and footwork around


Karate - Provides strong fundamental blocking and upper body striking techniques

Kung Fu - Provides fluency, making multiple techniques flow together 

Kickboxing - Provides effective hand, knee, elbow, and foot self defense techniques

Grappling - Provides the techniques to escape holds and grabs using throws and joint locks. The programs at Storm Taekwondo includes the most exciting and beneficial aspects of the Martial Arts. No two classes are exactly alike. You will learn a variety of skills and drills making training fun and exciting, challenging, but not overwhelming. The Storm Taekwondo training curriculum is in compliance with and exceeds the requirements for the World Taekwondo Federation and is recognized by the International Olympic Committee.




The 5 Tenets of Martial Arts Training




is acting in consideration of others, exhibiting good manners, demonstrating politeness and courtesy. When the student and the instructor bow to one another, they are showing mutual respect. Other examples of respect in the Dojang include using proper titles (Mr., Miss., sir, ma'am), remaining silent and attentive while others speak, refraining from "back talking" to instructors, and showing kindness to others. As you learn your rank requirements and test for your next belts, you will be presented with a new set of skills to learn. The process continues, offering a lifetime of learning through colored belts, various degrees of Black Belts, Master Degrees and beyond.




Martial Arts students are expected to be modest about their accomplishments. Braggarts and bullies have no place in the arts. A feeling of pride in achievement is good but it should not be broadcast idly about.




is being persistent, steadfast, enduring, to the end. Perseverance is the ability to pursue a goal until it is achieved. It is necessary that each student develop perseverance to achieve difficult, long-term goals such as the attainment of a black belt.Taekwondo students learn perseverance through their slow progress and attainment of rank. Many students falsely believe that a black belt can be easily and quickly achieved, but only dedicated and persistent people ever make it to the black belt.




is learning to manage command or govern oneself. Martial Arts teach self-control in several ways. The difficulty of many techniques requires a student to be acutely aware of himself and his actions. Control of temper and emotion is required during free sparring in order to avoid injurious results. Lastly, the student must have constant control when attempting dangerous techniques.


Indomitable Spirit


is to stand up for what he believes in regardless of consequences or number of oppressors. It is to be invincible, unyielding, and unconquerable. An example of the indomitable spirit outside Taekwondo is in defending the weak in the face of superior odds, or in defense of country when severely outnumbered. Inside Taekwondo, a student can develop an indomitable spirit through board breaking as he learns to overcome his fears and continue to practice until he prevails.


Learning Martial Arts is a journey, not a destination.


Our programs offer something for everyone: Karate, Kickboxing, Taekwondo, short trial periods to regular memberships. We have programs available for most budget levels. During your evaluation, an Storm Taekwondo office staff member can offer suggestions and help you to select the best program to fit your needs. We offer family memberships at discounted rates. Families are our specialty!

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